Fight fierce battles on the network against other online players!

  • Ranked Match

    Intense competition for Rank Points!

    Your rank changes according to the points you accumulate!
    Become a “Triple Hunter”!

  • Player Match

    Create a purpose-built room and have fun with your friends!

    Rank Points are not affected by Player Matches, so you can enjoy casual fun!
    Serious matches with G.I. Cards are possible!


  • Free Battle

    Playr with family and friends!

    You can battle with those nearby without needing to connect to the intenet!
    You can also play against the CPU at your leisuer!

  • Training

    Use Training Mode to practice and grow strong!

    Set detailed parameters of your training partner and make use of the “Reset” and “Record” functions to practice and situation you like!

  • Replay

    View replays of matches!

    Prepare for your next match by reviewing matches you playe dwell and by studying the movesof your strongest opponents without measing a beat!